The National Assembly for Wales (Representation of the People) Order 2007

Savings as to Assembly elections

This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

83.—(1) Where a person has been declared by others to be a candidate at an Assembly election without his consent, nothing in this Part shall be construed to impose any liability on that person, unless he has afterwards given his assent to the declaration or has been nominated.

(2) Nothing in this Part makes it illegal for an employer to permit electors at Assembly elections or their proxies to absent themselves from his employment for a reasonable time for the purpose of voting at the poll at an Assembly election without having any deduction from their salaries or wage on account of their absence, if the permission—

(a)is (so far as practicable without injury to the employer’s business) given equally to all persons alike who are at the time in his employment;

(b)is not given with a view to inducing any person to give his vote in a particular way at the election; and

(c)is not refused to any person for the purpose of preventing him from giving his vote in a particular way at the election,

but this paragraph shall not be construed as making illegal any act which would not be illegal apart from this paragraph.