Seizure notices
40.—(1) An inspector must follow the procedures set out in this regulation if he seizes anything under regulation 34.
(2) He must serve on the person appearing to him to be in charge of the seized product a notice (referred to in these Regulations as a “seizure notice”)—
(a)giving the grounds for seizing the product; and
(b)informing him of his rights under this regulation to make a claim, and the address for the service of the claim.
(3) If an inspector is not able to remove products seized under this regulation immediately, he may mark the products in any way that he sees fit, and serve a notice on the person in charge of the products identifying them, and prohibiting the removal of the products from the premises until they are collected by an inspector, and any person other than an inspector who removes products identified under this paragraph from the premises is guilty of an offence.
(4) The person on whom the seizure notice was served or the owner of the seized product may, within 28 days of seizure, notify any claim that the product was not liable to seizure to the Secretary of State at the address specified in the seizure notice, setting out the grounds in full.
(5) If a notification of a claim is not received within 28 days, the Secretary of State may destroy the product.
(6) If a notification of a claim is received within 28 days, then, unless the product seized is being held for the purposes of pending or contemplated criminal proceedings, or for a criminal investigation, the Secretary of State must either return the product or take proceedings for an order for the confirmation of the seizure notice and the destruction of the veterinary medicinal product in a magistrates' court (or, in Scotland, the sheriff court), and if the court confirms the notice it must order its destruction.
(7) The procedure in a magistrates' court under this regulation is by way of complaint, and the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980 applies to the proceedings.
(8) The procedure before the sheriff is by summary application.
(9) The person on whom the seizure notice was served is liable for the costs of transport, storage for up to 28 days and destruction of the product seized unless a claim is made to a court and the court directs otherwise.