[F1Issue of an additional RTF certificateU.K.

17A.(1) This article applies if—

(a)a transport fuel supplier applies under this Order for an RTF certificate in respect of—


(ii)renewable transport fuel which is made from dedicated energy crops; or

(iii)renewable transport fuel which is made from one of the following—

(aa)processing residue;

(bb)residues from agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries or forestry;

(cc)waste [F2, except for wastes of fossil origin]; and

(b)the fuel described in sub-paragraph (a) qualifies under article 17 for the issue of an RTF certificate for each whole litre of that fuel.

(2) If this article applies in relation to a fuel of a type falling within paragraph (1)(a)(i) or (ii), the Administrator must issue to the supplier an additional RTF certificate in respect of each whole litre of that fuel.

(3) If this article applies in relation to a fuel of a type falling within paragraph (1)(a)(iii), the Administrator must decide whether the fuel produces one or more of the effects described in section 126(4) of the 2004 Act.

(4) If the Administrator decides under paragraph (3) that the fuel produces one or more of those effects, the Administrator must then decide whether, based on that effect (or those effects), to issue to the supplier an additional RTF certificate in respect of each whole litre of that fuel.

(5) When making a decision under paragraph (4), the Administrator must consider any alternative uses and alternative disposal outcomes which could have been adopted or used for the relevant residue or waste.]