Inspection and other measures in respect of ships registered outside the United Kingdom21


When a ship which is not a United Kingdom ship is in United Kingdom waters, a relevant inspector may inspect that ship to ascertain whether the standards required in relation to United Kingdom ships by these Regulations are met in relation to that ship.


Where a surveyor of ships is satisfied that the standards required in relation to United Kingdom ships by these Regulations are not met in relation to a ship which is not a United Kingdom ship but is in United Kingdom waters, that surveyor of ships may—


send a report to the government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, and a copy thereof to the Director General of the International Labour Office; and


where conditions on board are clearly hazardous to health or safety, take such measures as are necessary to ensure those conditions are rectified.


A ship to which paragraph (2)(b) applies is liable to be detained until a surveyor of ships is satisfied that those conditions are rectified.


A surveyor of ships may permit a ship which is liable to be detained under paragraph (3) to proceed to sea for the purposes of proceeding to the nearest appropriate repair yard.


If any of the measures specified in paragraph (b) or (3) are taken, the surveyor of ships shall immediately notify the nearest maritime, consular or diplomatic representative of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.


A ship shall not in the exercise of the power under this regulation be delayed or detained unreasonably.


In paragraph (1), “relevant inspector” means a person mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of section 258(1) of the Act M1.