Expenses which may be paid otherwise than by election agent

39.—(1) A candidate (including a candidate on a registered party’s regional list) may pay any personal expenses incurred by him on account of or in connection with or incidental to the election, but the amount which a candidate may pay shall not exceed–

(a)£600 in the case of a candidate for return as a constituency member who is not also a candidate for return as a regional member; and

(b)£900 in the case of a candidate for return as a regional member (whether or not he is also a candidate for return as a constituency member),

and any further personal expenses incurred by him shall be paid by the election agent.

(2) A candidate at an election may also pay any election expenses (other than expenses falling within paragraph (1)) which were incurred by him or on his behalf and in respect of which payment falls to be made before the date on which he appoints (or is deemed to have appointed) an election agent.

(3) A candidate shall send to the election agent within the time permitted by this Order for sending in claims, a written statement of the amount of personal expenses paid as mentioned in paragraph (1) or (2) by the candidate; and, when that candidate is standing for return as a constituency member and for return as a regional member he shall send the statement to the election agent acting on his behalf in relation to his candidacy for return as a constituency member.

(4) Any person may, if so authorised in writing by an election agent, pay any necessary expenses of stationery, postage, facsimile communication (or any other similar means of communication) and other petty expenses, to a total amount not exceeding that named in the authority, but any excess above the total amount so named shall be paid by the election agent.

(5) A statement of the particulars of payments made by any person so authorised shall be sent to the election agent who authorised them within the time limited by this Order for sending in claims, and shall be vouched for by a bill containing that person’s receipt.

(6) Articles 43 and 44 do not apply to expenses which, in accordance with any provision of this article, are paid otherwise than by the candidate’s election agent.