39. The clerk must—
(a)convene meetings in accordance with regulations 42 and 51(1);
(b)attend meetings and ensure that minutes of the proceedings are produced in accordance with regulations 44(1) and 51(7);
(c)maintain a register of members of the temporary governing body and of temporary associate members and report any vacancies to the temporary governing body;
(d)maintain a register of temporary governors’ attendance at meetings and report on non-attendance to the temporary governing body;
(e)give and receive notices in accordance with regulations 22(1) and (3), 23, 35(2), 42(3) and (4), 51(2), 53(2) and paragraph 11 of Schedule 2;
(f)report to the temporary governing body as required on the discharge of his functions; and
(g)perform such other functions as may be determined by the temporary governing body from time to time.