PART 4Alcohol Disorder Zone: Designation and Charges

Collection of charge

18.—(1) The local authority shall, on a regular basis, issue an invoice to each licence holder in an alcohol disorder zone except those who are granted an exemption under regulation 12

(2) An invoice shall be served by post.

(3) An invoice shall include the following information—

(a)the name and address of the local authority;

(b)the total amount payable for which the invoice is issued;

(c)the period of time for which that amount is payable;

(d)the amount payable for each month which falls within the period of time specified under sub-paragraph (c);

(e)the date by which the payment must be made, which shall be twenty-eight days after service;

(f)the method of payment to be used;

(g)any reduction in the non-baseline services provided by the local authority, the chief officer of police and the British Transport Police in or in connection with the alcohol disorder zone in return for a charge during that period ; and

(h)the consequences of late or non-payment of the charge.

(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(e) the invoice is deemed to be served five days after the day on which it is posted.

(5) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(g) there is a reduction in non-baseline services if the level of non-baseline services provided by the local authority, the chief officer of police and the British Transport Police in or in connection with the alcohol disorder zone as a whole is lower than the level of non-baseline services set out in the statement of charge in accordance with regulation 17(2)(a).