The Motor Vehicles (Approval) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2008


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Motor Vehicles (Approval) (Fees) Regulations 2001 (“the 2001 Regulations”). Those Regulations prescribe the fees payable in connection with applications and appeals under the Motor Vehicles (Approval) Regulations 2001 (“the Approval Regulations”). The Approval Regulations allow single vehicles to be approved before they enter into service in terms of their design, construction, equipment and marking.

Regulation 3 increases the fees prescribed by the 2001 Regulations. The increased fees for passenger vehicles are set out in Table 1 below (with the percentage increase since the fees were last fixed shown in brackets).

Table 1

Passenger vehicles

Nature of serviceExisting fee (£)Substituted fee (£)
An application for the basic single vehicle approval (“SVA”) test.158190 (20.3%)
An application for the enhanced SVA test with a model report.200240 (20%)
An application for the enhanced SVA test without a model report.190228 (20%)
An application for a certificate issued following inspection by another EEA State (basic SVA).6376 (20.6%)
An application for a certificate issued following inspection by another EEA State (enhanced SVA test with a model report).106127 (19.8%)
An application for a certificate issued following inspection by another EEA State (enhanced SVA test without a model report).95114 (20%)
Out of hours supplement for the basic and enhanced SVA test.7995 (20.3%)
Out of hours supplement for an enhanced SVA test with or without a model report (where the certificate is issued following inspection by another EEA State).2125 (19%)
An application for single vehicle approval which is refused by virtue of regulation 10 of the Approval Regulations.5364 (20.8%)
Further application for basic and enhanced SVA test.3238 (18.8%)
Out of hours test supplement for further application for basic and enhanced SVA test where the original application is refused other than by virtue of regulation 10 of the Approval Regulations.1619 (18.8%)
Replacement Minister’s approval certificate.1112 (9.1%)

The increased fees for goods vehicles are set out in Table 2 below (with the percentage increase since the fees were last fixed shown in brackets).

Table 2

Goods vehicles

Nature of feeExisting fee (£)Substituted fee (£)
An application for the basic single vehicle approval (“SVA”) test.6376 (20.6%)
An application for the enhanced SVA test with a model report.106127 (19.8%)
An application for the enhanced SVA test without a model report.95114 (20%)
An application for a certificate issued following inspection by another EEA State (basic SVA).6376 (20.6%)
An application for a certificate issued following inspection by another EEA State (enhanced SVA test with a model report).106127 (19.8%)
Certificate issued following inspection by another EEA State (enhanced SVA test without a model report).95114 (20%)
Out of hours supplement for the basic and enhanced SVA test.2631 (19.2%)
Out of hours supplement for an enhanced SVA test with or without a model report (where the certificate is issued following inspection by another EEA State).2125 (19%)
An application for single vehicle approval which is refused by virtue of regulation 10 of the Approval Regulations.5364 (20.8%)
Further application for basic and enhanced SVA test.1619 (18.8%)
Out of hours test supplement for further application for basic and enhanced SVA test where the original application is refused other than by virtue of regulation 10 of the Approval Regulations.67 (16.7%)
Replacement Minister’s approval certificate.1112 (9.1%)

In the case of the vehicles mentioned above, the fee payable on an appeal against the refusal of an application for a Minister’s approval certificate is the same amount as the appropriate fee payable under regulation 4 (regulation 7). These fees are increased accordingly.

Regulation 4 inserts new paragraphs (1)(g) and (5) into regulation 4 of the 2001 Regulations. New paragraph (1)(g) provides for a new fee so as to allow the approval of new passenger vehicles or new goods vehicles under the Approval Regulations where those vehicles respectively satisfy the requirements of the 1984 or 1982 Regulations. New paragraph (5) defines a new vehicle as being a passenger or goods vehicle where the recorded distance travelled, including that before any change of odometer, is considered to be a maximum of 3,000 kilometres or 1,865 miles.

An impact assessment of the effect that this instrument will have on the costs of business and the voluntary sector is available from the VOSA Corporate Office, Berkeley House, Croydon Street, Bristol BS5 0DA (telephone number: 0117 954 3200). A copy has been placed in the library of each House of Parliament. The impact assessment is annexed to the Explanatory Memorandum which is available alongside the instrument on the OPSI website