PART 5Estimates, reporting and monitoring

Reporting and monitoring16.


A supplier must provide to the Authority—


information relating to—


its proposals for complying with any aspect of its F1carbon emissions reduction obligation, insulation obligation, priority group obligation and super priority group obligation; and


whether the supplier has complied with those obligations, including such information which the Authority has informed the supplier it requires for the purposes of verifying that no qualifying action under the Electricity and Gas (Community Energy Saving Programme) Order 2009 is counted for the purposes of compliance under this Order;


in relation to a demonstration action—


the information obtained by the supplier on whether the action is reducing carbon emissions; and


the supplier’s assessment of the effectiveness of the action at promoting a reduction in carbon emissions;



from 1st August 2010, in relation to the provision of solid wall insulation, approved as a standard action, market transformation action or a priority group flexibility action, information relating to the main fuel source used to heat the premises where the solid wall insulation is installed.


The information must be provided by a supplier in such form and at such time as the Authority may reasonably request.


Information provided under paragraph (1)(b) must be published by the Authority but it may do so in such form as it thinks fit.


By 31st July 2009 and 31st July 2010 the Authority must submit to the Secretary of State a report setting out in respect of the year ending on the preceding 31st March the progress made—


by each supplier towards complying with the supplier’s—


carbon emissions reduction obligation;


priority group obligation;



towards achieving the overall carbon emissions reduction target.


By 31st July 2011, 31st July 2012 and 30th April 2013 the Authority must submit to the Secretary of State a report setting out in respect of the year ending on the preceding 31st March the progress made—


by each supplier towards complying with the supplier’s—


carbon emissions reduction obligation;


insulation obligation;


priority group obligation; and


super priority group obligation;



towards achieving the overall carbon emissions reduction target, including information about the percentage of the overall target which has been met by all suppliers by the promotion of real-time displays, home energy advice packages and market transformation actions.