

Any manufacturer or supplier who supplies a presentation for health service purposes at a price in excess of the maximum permitted by these Regulations shall be liable, on the demand of the Secretary of State, to pay to him a recoverable sum calculated under the Schedule to these Regulations.


A demand made under paragraph (1) shall be made by a notice in writing addressed to the manufacturer or supplier in question and it shall state the amount of the recoverable sum calculated up to the date of the demand and the period within which it shall be paid.


A recoverable sum, or any part of it, which has not been paid to the Secretary of State within the period specified in the demand shall carry interest at 2.5 per cent above the rate announced from time to time by the Monetary Policy Committee8 of the Bank of England and for the time being in force as the official dealing rate, being the rate at which that Bank is willing to enter into transactions for providing short term liquidity in the money markets.