PART 3Applications and proposals to amend the registers

Pre-inquiry meeting

31.—(1) Where it has been decided to hold a public inquiry, the inspector may, if the inspector considers it desirable, hold a pre-inquiry meeting to determine the matters to be addressed and the procedure to be followed at the inquiry.

(2) If the inspector decides to hold a pre-inquiry meeting, not less than 14 days’ notice in writing must be given to—

(a)the applicant, in the case of an application;

(b)the registration authority;

(c)any person who has made written representations about the application or proposal; and

(d)any other person whose presence at the pre-inquiry meeting the inspector considers desirable.

(3) Paragraphs (2) to (6) of regulation 30 (so far as relevant) apply to pre-inquiry meetings as they apply to inquiries.

(4) The inspector may, at a pre-inquiry meeting—

(a)give directions about things to be done in preparation for the inquiry to—

(i)the applicant, in the case of an application;

(ii)the registration authority; and

(iii)any other person wishing to appear at the inquiry; and

(b)specify a date or dates by which any such directions must be complied with.

(5) In particular, the inspector may direct any person wishing to give evidence to serve a written statement of that evidence on—

(a)the inspector; and

(b)such other persons as the inspector may specify.