(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order revokes and replaces the Crown Office Fees Order 2003 (S.I. 2003/92). The following fees taken in the office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery are increased:

Letters Patent under the Great Seal for the grant of title of City, from £1,435 to £1,675

Letters Patent under the Great Seal for the grant of title of Lord Mayor, from £1,435 to £1,675

Letters Patent under the Great Seal for a Charter of Incorporation or Supplemental Charter (England and Wales), from £410 to £560

Letters Patent under the Great Seal for the appointment of Heralds, from £180 to £215

Letters Patent under the Great Seal for appointment as Queen’s Counsel (England and Wales), from £165 to £215

Determination of an abeyance of a Barony, from £130 to £175.

This Order also replaces the single fee for Letters Patent under the Great Seal promulgating amendments to Canon law (of £555) with a fee for such Letters Patent inclusive of one printed sheet of vellum (of £770) and a separate fee for each additional printed sheet of vellum needed to produce the Letters Patent (of £100).

The fees taken for the issue of certificates confirming appointment as Queen’s Counsel remain the same.

A full regulatory impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as no impact on the private or voluntary sectors is foreseen.