PART 3Appeals and references to the Upper Tribunal

Application to the Upper Tribunal for permission to appeal21


This rule applies to an application for permission to appeal to the Upper Tribunal against any decision.


A person may apply to the Upper Tribunal for permission to appeal to the Upper Tribunal against a decision of another tribunal only if—


they have made an application for permission to appeal to the tribunal which made the decision challenged; and


that application has been refused or has not been admitted.


An application for permission to appeal must be made in writing and received by the Upper Tribunal no later than—


in the case of an application under section 4 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, 3 months after the date on which written notice of the decision being challenged was sent to the appellant; or


otherwise, a month after the date on which the tribunal that made the decision under challenge sent notice of its refusal of permission to appeal, or refusal to admit the application for permission to appeal, to the appellant.


The application must state—


the name and address of the appellant;


the name and address of the representative (if any) of the appellant;


an address where documents for the appellant may be sent or delivered;


details (including the full reference) of the decision challenged;


the grounds on which the appellant relies; and


whether the appellant wants the application to be dealt with at a hearing.


The appellant must provide with the application a copy of—


any written record of the decision being challenged;


any separate written statement of reasons for that decision; and


if the application is for permission to appeal against a decision of another tribunal, the notice of refusal of permission to appeal, or notice of refusal to admit the application for permission to appeal, from that other tribunal.


If the appellant provides the application to the Upper Tribunal later than the time required by paragraph (3) or by an extension of time allowed under rule 5(3)(a) (power to extend time)—


the application must include a request for an extension of time and the reason why the application was not provided in time; and


unless the Upper Tribunal extends time for the application under rule 5(3)(a) (power to extend time) the Upper Tribunal must not admit the application.


If the appellant makes an application to the Upper Tribunal for permission to appeal against the decision of another tribunal, and that other tribunal refused to admit the appellant’s application for permission to appeal because the application for permission or for a written statement of reasons was not made in time—


the application to the Upper Tribunal for permission to appeal must include the reason why the application to the other tribunal for permission to appeal or for a written statement of reasons, as the case may be, was not made in time; and


the Upper Tribunal must only admit the application if the Upper Tribunal considers that it is in the interests of justice for it to do so.

Decision in relation to permission to appeal22


If the Upper Tribunal refuses permission to appeal, it must send written notice of the refusal and of the reasons for the refusal to the appellant.


If the Upper Tribunal gives permission to appeal—


the Upper Tribunal must send written notice of the permission, and of the reasons for any limitations or conditions on such permission, to each party;


subject to any direction by the Upper Tribunal, the application for permission to appeal stands as the notice of appeal and the Upper Tribunal must send to each respondent a copy of the application for permission to appeal and any documents provided with it by the appellant; and


the Upper Tribunal may, with the consent of the appellant and each respondent, determine the appeal without obtaining any further response.


Paragraph (4) applies where the Upper Tribunal, without a hearing, determines—


an application for permission to appeal against a decision of the Health, Education and Social Care Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal19, the Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales or the Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales; or


an application for permission to appeal under section 4 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.


In the circumstances set out at paragraph (3) the appellant may apply for the decision to be reconsidered at a hearing if the Upper Tribunal—


refuses permission to appeal; or


gives permission to appeal on limited grounds or subject to conditions.


An application under paragraph (4) must be made in writing and received by the Upper Tribunal within 14 days after the date on which the Upper Tribunal sent written notice of its decision regarding the application to the appellant.

Notice of appeal23


This rule applies—


if another tribunal has given permission for a party to appeal to the Upper Tribunal; or


subject to any other direction by the Upper Tribunal, if the Upper Tribunal has given permission to appeal and has given a direction that the application for permission to appeal does not stand as the notice of appeal.


The appellant must provide a notice of appeal to the Upper Tribunal so that it is received within 1 month after the tribunal that gave permission to appeal sent notice of such permission to the appellant.


The notice of appeal must include the information listed in rule 21(4)(a) to (e) (content of the application for permission to appeal) and, where the Upper Tribunal has given permission to appeal, the Upper Tribunal’s case reference.


If another tribunal has granted permission to appeal, the appellant must provide with the notice of appeal a copy of—


any written record of the decision being challenged;


any separate written statement of reasons for that decision; and


the notice of permission to appeal.


If the appellant provides the notice of appeal to the Upper Tribunal later than the time required by paragraph (2) or by an extension of time allowed under rule 5(3)(a) (power to extend time)—


the notice of appeal must include a request for an extension of time and the reason why the notice was not provided in time; and


unless the Upper Tribunal extends time for the notice of appeal under rule 5(3)(a) (power to extend time) the Upper Tribunal must not admit the notice of appeal.


When the Upper Tribunal receives the notice of appeal it must send a copy of the notice and any accompanying documents to each respondent.

Response to the notice of appeal24


Subject to any direction given by the Upper Tribunal, a respondent may provide a response to the notice of appeal.


Any response provided under paragraph (1) must be in writing and must be sent or delivered to the Upper Tribunal so that it is received—


if the application for permission stands as the notice of appeal, no later than 1 month after the date on which the Upper Tribunal sent notice that it had granted permission to appeal to the respondent; or


in any other case, no later than 1 month after the date on which the Upper Tribunal sent a copy of the notice of appeal to the respondent.


The response must state—


the name and address of the respondent;


the name and address of the representative (if any) of the respondent;


an address where documents for the respondent may be sent or delivered;


whether the respondent opposes the appeal;


the grounds on which the respondent relies, including any grounds on which the respondent was unsuccessful in the proceedings which are the subject of the appeal, but intends to rely in the appeal; and


whether the respondent wants the case to be dealt with at a hearing.


If the respondent provides the response to the Upper Tribunal later than the time required by paragraph (2) or by an extension of time allowed under rule 5(3)(a) (power to extend time), the response must include a request for an extension of time and the reason why the notice was not provided in time.


When the Upper Tribunal receives the response it must send a copy of the response and any accompanying documents to the appellant and each other party.

Appellant’s reply25


Subject to any direction given by the Upper Tribunal, the appellant may provide a reply to any response provided under rule 24 (response to the notice of appeal).


Any reply provided under paragraph (1) must be in writing and must be sent or delivered to the Upper Tribunal so that it is received within one month after the date on which the Upper Tribunal sent a copy of the response to the appellant.


When the Upper Tribunal receives the reply it must send a copy of the reply and any accompanying documents to each respondent.

References under the Forfeiture Act 198226


If a question arises which is required to be determined by the Upper Tribunal under section 4 of the Forfeiture Act 1982, the person to whom the application for the relevant benefit or advantage has been made must refer the question to the Upper Tribunal.


The reference must be in writing and must include—


a statement of the question for determination;


a statement of the relevant facts;


the grounds upon which the reference is made; and


an address for sending documents to the person making the reference and each respondent.


When the Upper Tribunal receives the reference it must send a copy of the reference and any accompanying documents to each respondent.


Rules 24 (response to the notice of appeal) and 25 (appellant’s reply) apply to a reference made under this rule as if it were a notice of appeal.