Statutory Instruments

2008 No. 3263


The Severn Bridges Tolls Order 2008


18th December 2008

Coming into force

1st January 2009

1.  This Order may be cited as the Severn Bridges Tolls Order 2008 and shall, in accordance with section 9(2)(b) of the Severn Bridges Act 1992 (in this Order referred to as “the Act”), come into force on 1st January 2009.

2.  The tolls leviable in respect of vehicles within the categories referred to in section 8(1) of the Act using either of the bridges shall be as follows—

Category 1 vehicles£5.40
Category 2 vehicles£10.90
Category 3 vehicles£16.30

3.  The Severn Bridges Tolls Order 2007(2) is hereby revoked.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport

Paul Clark

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State,

Department for Transport

18th December 2008

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

Section 9(2)(b) of the Severn Bridges Act 1992 (“the Act”) provides for the tolls for the use of the bridges to be fixed by annual orders made in December of each year. This Order fixes the tolls payable for use of the two bridges, commonly known as the Severn Bridge and the Second Severn Crossing, during the year 2009.

The tolls will be payable only for traffic travelling from east to west and for vehicles (other than those exempted by section 8(5) of the Act) within the categories specified in section 8(1) of the Act. These are (1) motor cars and motor caravans, (2) small goods vehicles and small buses and (3) other goods vehicles and buses.

In accordance with section 9 of this Act, the toll for each category has been fixed by adjusting the amounts shown in the table in section 9(3) by the percentage increase in the Retail Prices Index between March 1989 and September 2008 and applying the rounding provisions of section 9(6).Section 10 of the Act has been used to calculate the revised toll levels to reflect the change in the rate of VAT for 2009.

The tolls levied in 2008 were as follows—

Category 1 vehicles£5.30
Category 2 vehicles£10.60
Category 3 vehicles£15.90