The Products of Animal Origin (Disease Control) (England) Regulations 2008

PART 2U.K.Control of meat from restricted animals or restricted poultry

Meat from suspect or infected premisesU.K.

7.—(1) Any person who is in possession of meat from a restricted animal or restricted poultry originating from the relevant date from suspect premises, or meat that has come into contact with such meat, must detain that meat until those premises are no longer suspect premises.

(2) Paragraph (1) only applies if the person in possession of the meat is aware or should reasonably have been aware that the meat is from a restricted animal or restricted poultry originating from the relevant date from suspect premises, or is meat that has come into contact with such meat.

(3) Any person in possession of meat produced from a restricted animal or restricted poultry originating from infected premises from the relevant date, or meat that has come into contact with such meat, must destroy that meat without delay.

Tracing of meat from infected premisesU.K.

8.  Any person who has owned or been in possession of meat referred to in regulation 7(3) must—

(a)use best endeavours to trace that meat; and

(b)inform the recipient of that meat, other than a consumer, that the meat is from infected premises.

Prohibition on supply and export of meatU.K.

9.—(1) A person must not—

(a)supply restricted meat; or

(b)export restricted meat.

(2) The prohibition in paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to restricted meat from restricted poultry intended for supply on the domestic market provided—

(a)the occupier of the slaughterhouse where the meat was produced complied with regulations 10, 12, 13 and 15(1) and (2);

(b)any person who is in possession of the meat complies with regulations 12(2) and 13; and

(c)the occupier of premises where cutting, preparing, processing, packing, wrapping, storage or treatment of the meat takes place complies with regulations 13 and 15(2) and (3).

(3) The “domestic market” is the market for the sale of poultry meat in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


10.—(1) The occupier of a slaughterhouse may only slaughter restricted animals or restricted poultry if the slaughterhouse is designated.

(2) The occupier of a slaughterhouse must ensure that—

(a)restricted animals are kept separate from other animals;

(b)restricted animals are slaughtered separately from other animals;

(c)restricted poultry are kept separated from other poultry;

(d)restricted poultry are slaughtered separately from other poultry.

(3) The occupier of a slaughterhouse who receives restricted animals that have not been kept separate from other animals or who has not kept restricted animals separate from other animals must, on being given notice by a veterinary inspector, deal with those other animals as restricted animals.

(4) The occupier of a slaughterhouse who receives restricted poultry that have not been kept separate from other poultry or who has not kept restricted poultry separate from other poultry must, on being given notice by a veterinary inspector, deal with that other poultry as restricted poultry.

(5) The occupier of a slaughterhouse where disease is suspected or has been confirmed must detain all meat in the slaughterhouse until a veterinary inspector notifies that occupier that the inspector is satisfied that detention of all or some of that meat is no longer necessary to reduce the risk of transmission of disease.

Game handling establishmentsU.K.

11.—(1) The occupier of a game handling establishment may only receive restricted meat if that establishment is designated.

(2) The occupier of a game handling establishment where disease is suspected or has been confirmed must detain all meat in the game handling establishment until a veterinary inspector notifies that occupier that the inspector is satisfied that detention of all or some of that meat is no longer necessary to reduce the risk of transmission of disease.

Receipt and possession of restricted meatU.K.

12.—(1) The occupier of any premises or establishment may only receive restricted meat if that premises or establishment is designated.

(2) Any person in possession of restricted meat must keep it separate from other meat.

Marking of meatU.K.

13.—(1) The occupier of an establishment must ensure that restricted meat is marked in accordance with Schedule 3.

(2) A person must not be in possession or control of restricted meat unless it is marked in accordance with Schedule 3.

(3) A person must not remove a mark applied under this regulation except to enable cutting, preparing, processing, packing or treatment of the restricted meat.

(4) Any person who removes a mark applied under this regulation, other than a person treating meat at a treatment centre with a treatment listed in Schedule 2, must reapply the mark, with the appropriate plant approval number, after cutting, preparing, processing, packing or treatment of the meat.

Movement of restricted meatU.K.

14.  No person may transport or arrange for the transport of restricted meat to premises or an establishment unless that premises or establishment is designated.

Record keepingU.K.

15.—(1) The occupier of a slaughterhouse where a restricted animal or restricted poultry is slaughtered must make records of the following—

(a)the number and type of restricted animals or restricted poultry slaughtered;

(b)the date of such slaughter;

(c)the disease which caused the animals or poultry to be subject to restrictions under the disease legislation.

(2) Any person who is in possession of restricted meat must make records of the following—

(a)the quantity of restricted meat handled;

(b)the disease which caused the meat to be subject to restrictions under the disease legislation;

(c)the quantity of restricted meat placed into and removed from cold storage;

(d)the date of such movement into or out of cold storage;

(e)the quantity of restricted meat disposed of as animal by-product.

(3) The occupier of a treatment centre where restricted meat is treated must keep records of the following—

(a)the date of the treatment;

(b)the species of animal from which the meat came;

(c)the quantity of meat treated;

(d)the treatment applied.

(4) Records made under this regulation must be retained for at least 3 years from the date of the slaughter, movement or treatment to which they refer.