(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Regulations 2007 (S.I. 2007/1949) (the EGTC Regulations), which make provision supplementing Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council on a European grouping of territorial cooperation (O.J. No L210, 31.7.2006, p.19).

With the exception of regulation 2(4), the amendments are consequential upon the replacement of certain provisions in the Companies Act 1985 with equivalent provisions in the Companies Act 2006, principally those relating to accounts and audit.

Regulation 2(4) omits regulation 4(2) of the EGTC Regulations, which is otiose.

The only change of substance made by these Regulations is that two sections of the Companies Act 2006, sections 499 and 500 (rights of auditors), are applied to EGTCs (see new regulation 6(1)(o) of the EGTC Regulations, inserted by regulation 2(5) of these Regulations), whereas the EGTC Regulations had not previously applied their equivalents in the Companies Act 1985.

An Impact Assessment has not been produced for these Regulations as no impact on the private or voluntary sectors is foreseen.