
4.—(1) The exemption from regulation 4(3)(b) only applies if either or both of paragraphs (2) and (5) applies to each passenger door of the exempt vehicle.

(2) This paragraph applies if—

(a)the passenger door can only be closed by a member of the operator’s staff on the train or next to a doorway of the train;

(b)the audible warning device that emits a distinct sound when the door becomes openable by a passenger emits a different distinct sound only while the door is closing; and

(c)that sound lasts for a period of not less than 3 seconds.

(3) The exemption from regulation 5(2) only applies if either or both of paragraphs (4) and (5) applies to each passenger door of the exempt vehicle.

(4) This paragraph applies if—

(a)the passenger door can only be closed by a member of the operator’s staff on the train or next to a doorway of the train; and

(b)the illumination of the door control or its immediate surround, as required by regulation 5(1)(c), ceases when the door starts to close.

(5) This paragraph applies if the passenger door is under the direct supervision of a member of the operator’s staff who is standing next to the door when it is closing.

(6) The exemption from regulation 13(4) only applies if—

(a)whilst the vehicle is stationary at a station the internal passenger information system is used to announce the name of the station; and

(b)the internal passenger information system is used to announce shortly after leaving that station the vehicle’s destination and next stop.

(7) The exemption from regulation 23(1) only applies if the gap referred to in that regulation is not more than 85 millimetres measured horizontally and not more than 50 millimetres measured vertically.