(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order is made under sections 41 and 166(3) of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. It revokes the Immigration (Passenger Transit Visa) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2009 which is not yet in force, and amends the Immigration (Passenger Transit Visa) Order 2003 (the “2003 Order”). The 2003 Order requires certain passengers to hold a transit visa to pass through the United Kingdom without entering whilst transiting to another country or territory.

Article 4(2) of this Order provides that from 18th May 2009 a person who holds a passport issued by the Republic of Venezuela that does not contain biometric information held in an electronic chip requires a transit visa.

Article 4(4)(a) has the effect that from 18th May 2009 nationals and citizens of Bolivia will require a transit visa.

From 1st July 2009 nationals and citizens of Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland will require a transit visa. Article 4(3) removes the temporary exemption from the visa regime available to certain South Africans with a previous travel history to the United Kingdom on 1st July 2009.

This Order revokes and replaces the Immigration (Passenger Transit Visa) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2009. That Order is revoked on the 17th May 2009, before it comes into force.