PART 4Controlled horticultural produce and related powers and offences

Power to affix a stop notice label

13.—(1) An authorised officer may affix to any controlled horticultural produce, or to any container in which the controlled horticultural produce is packed, a label warning of the exercise of the power in regulation 12(1) (a “stop notice label”).

(2) The stop notice label is a label which shows the following information—

(a)the personal number assigned to the authorised officer;

(b)the date the stop notice label is affixed;

(c)the number assigned by the authorised officer to the stop notice label;

(d)the logotype of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) the design of which is displayed on the website: or the logotype of Defra's successor;

(e)the logotype of the Rural Payments Agency the design of which is displayed on the website: and the wording— “The Rural Payments Agency is an Executive Agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

or equivalent wording agreed by any successor to the Rural Payment Agency with the Secretary of State, and that successor's logotype;

(f)the words— “This lot is subject to a Stop Notice. Any unauthorised movement of the horticultural produce to which this label applies or the removal of this label is an offence under the Marketing of Fresh Horticultural Produce Regulations 2009”.