(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Electricity and Gas (Carbon Emissions Reduction) Order 2008 (S.I. 2008/188) (“CERT Order”) which places an obligation on electricity and gas suppliers who have 50,000 or more domestic customers to achieve a carbon emissions reduction obligation. The amendments in this Order (i) increase the overall carbon emissions reduction target; (ii) provide a carbon score for the provision of a real-time display or a home energy advice package; and (iii) make minor consequential amendments.

Article 3 inserts new and amended definitions into article 2 (interpretation) of the CERT Order. The definitions of a “market transformation action” and a “standard action” are amended. The relevant income threshold is increased to £16,040 in respect of the “priority group”.

Article 4 amends the overall carbon emissions reduction target to 185 million lifetime tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Article 5 substitutes a new article 9 (achievement of carbon emissions reduction obligations) into the CERT Order. Limits are introduced relating to real-time displays and home energy advice packages.

Article 6 inserts a new paragraph (7A) and (7B) into article 12 (approval of actions by the Authority) whilst a new paragraph (7C) prevents the Authority from approving compact florescent lamps from 1st January 2010 except where their purchase is promoted through a retail outlet.

Article 7 makes consequential amendments to article 15 (estimated reduction in carbon emissions) relating to loft insulation plus, a real-time display or a home energy advice package. Article 8 makes equivalent consequential amendments to article 19 (notification and determination of reductions in carbon emissions).

Article 9 inserts a new Schedule A1 (home energy advice packages) into the CERT Order. Schedule A1 describes home energy advice packages.

Article 10 amends Schedule 2 (benefits and credits) to the CERT Order to include an income-related employment and support allowance under the Welfare Reform Act 2007 as an eligible credit.

An impact assessment has been prepared in respect of this Order and copies can be obtained from CERT Team, Department of Energy and Climate Change, Area 1D, 3-8 Whitehall Place, London, SW1A 2HH.