2009 No. 2129

Ecclesiastical Law, England

The Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2009

Made (passed by the General Synod)

Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 7(1) of the Synodical Government Measure 19691 the General Synod resolves to amend the Church Representation Rules2 as follows.

In accordance with that section the General Synod has passed this Resolution with a majority in each House of not less than two-thirds of those present and voting.

Citation, interpretation and commencement1


This Resolution may be cited as the Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2009 and the Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolutions 1973 to 20043 and this Resolution may be cited together as the Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolutions 1973 to 2009.


In this Resolution any reference to a rule or Appendix is a reference to the rule or Appendix bearing that number in the Church Representation Rules.


This Resolution shall come into force on 1st January 2010.

Provisions relating to elections of churchwardens2

For rule 13 substitute—


Elections of churchwardens shall be conducted, at a meeting of parishioners, in accordance with the provisions of sections 4 and 5 of the Churchwardens Measure 2001.

Joint parochial church councils and team and group councils3


For rule 19(1)(a) substitute—


for establishing a joint parochial church council (in this rule referred to as ‘the joint council’) comprising—


the ministers of those parishes; and


lay representatives elected, chosen or appointed in such manner and in such numbers, from among the lay members of the parochial church councils of each of those parishes, as may be specified in the scheme.


For rule 20(1)(a)(iv) substitute—


lay representatives elected, chosen or appointed in such manner and in such numbers, by and from among the lay members of the parochial church councils of each of the parishes in the area, as may be specified in the scheme.


For rule 21(1)(a)(iii) substitute—


lay representatives elected, chosen or appointed in such manner and in such numbers, by and from among the lay members of the parochial church councils of each of the parishes in the area for which the group ministry is established, as may be specified in the scheme.

Reduction in minimum size of diocesan synods4

In rule 31(8) for “120” substitute “100”.

Increase in nominations period for diocesan synod elections5

In rule 32(4) for “fourteen” substitute “twenty-one”.

General provisions relating to Parochial Church Councils6

In paragraph 5 of Appendix II for “rules 22 and 23” substitute “rule 23”.

Approved by the General Synod on

13th July 2009

David WilliamsClerk to the Synod

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

This Resolution of the General Synod of the Church of England, which was passed in accordance with section 7(1) of the Synodical Government Measure 1969, amends the Church Representation Rules contained in Schedule 3 to that Measure.

Paragraph 1 deals with citation, interpretation and commencement.

Paragraph 2 amends a provision relating to the election of churchwardens.

Paragraph 3 amends provisions relating to joint parochial church councils, team councils and group councils to allow greater flexibility in relation to the manner of electing, choosing or appointing lay representatives to serve on such councils. The manner in which lay representatives are chosen will continue to be specified in the schemes that establish such councils but the amendments made by paragraph 3 would mean that provision for lay representation could be made which included, for example, ex officio lay representatives.

Paragraph 4 reduces the minimum size of diocesan synods from 120 to 100.

Paragraph 5 extends the period during which candidates may be nominated for election to diocesan synods from 14 to 21 days.

Paragraph 6 amends a provision relating to the chairmanship of parochial church council meetings.