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SCHEDULE 7U.K.Flight crew of aircraft – licences, ratings, qualifications and maintenance of licence privileges

PART C U.K.Maintenance of licence privileges

SECTION 2U.K.Requirement for Certificate of Revalidation

Appropriate certificate of revalidationU.K.

8.  A certificate of revalidation required by article 67(2), 68(2) or 70 is not appropriate to the exercise of the privileges of a flight crew licence unless it is a certificate which accords with this Section.

Type and class ratingsU.K.

9.—(1) Aeroplane type and class ratings

(a)Type ratings and multi-engine class ratings, aeroplane


Type ratings and multi-engine class ratings for aeroplanes are valid for one year beginning with the date of issue, or the date of expiry if revalidated within the period of three months preceding the date of expiry.


For revalidation of type ratings and multi-engine class ratings, aeroplane, the applicant must satisfy the requirements specified in paragraph 1.245(a) and (b) of Section 1 of JAR–FCL 1.

(b)Single-pilot single-engine class ratings


Single-pilot single-engine class ratings are valid for two years beginning with the date of issue, or the date of expiry if revalidated within the period of three months preceding the date of expiry.

(ii)Revalidation of all single-engine piston aeroplane class ratings (land) and all touring motor glider ratings

For revalidation of single-pilot single-engine piston aeroplane (land) class ratings or touring motor glider class ratings (or both) the applicant must on single engine piston aeroplanes (land) or touring motor gliders (as the case may be) satisfy the requirements specified in paragraph 1.245(c)(1) of Section 1 of JAR–FCL 1.

(iii)Revalidation of single-engine turbo-prop aeroplanes (land) single-pilot

For revalidation of single-engine turbo-prop (land) class ratings the applicant must within the three months preceding the expiry date of the rating, pass a proficiency check with an authorised examiner on an aeroplane in the relevant class.

(iv)Revalidation of single-engine piston aeroplanes (SEA)

For revalidation of single-pilot single-engine piston aeroplane (SEA) class ratings the applicant must—

(aa)within the three months preceding the expiry date of the rating, pass a proficiency check with an authorised examiner on a single-engine piston aeroplane (SEA); or

(bb)within the 12 months preceding the expiry of the rating complete at least 12 hours of flight time including at least six hours of pilot in command time on either a single-engine piston aeroplane (SEA) or a single-engine piston aeroplane (land) and at least 12 water take-offs and 12 alightings on water; and either complete a training flight of at least one hour duration with a flight instructor or pass a proficiency check or skill test for any other class or type rating.

(c)Expired ratings

(i)If a type rating or multi-engine class rating has expired, the applicant must meet the requirements in sub-paragraph (a)(ii) and meet any refresher training requirements as determined by the CAA and the rating will be valid from the date of completion of the renewal requirements.

(ii)If a single-pilot single-engine class rating has expired, the applicant must complete the skill test in accordance with the requirements specified at Appendix 3 to paragraph 1.240 of Section 1 of JAR–FCL 1.

(2) Helicopter type ratings

(a)Type ratings, helicopter – validity

Type ratings for helicopters are valid for one year beginning with the date of issue, or the date of expiry if revalidated within the period of three months preceding the date of expiry.

(b)Type ratings, helicopter – revalidation

For revalidation of type ratings, helicopter, the applicant must complete the requirements specified in paragraph 2.245(b) of Section 1 of JAR–FCL 2.

(c)Expired ratings

If a type rating has expired, the applicant must meet the requirements in sub-paragraph (b) and meet any refresher training requirements as determined by the CAA and the rating is valid for a period beginning with the date of completion of the renewal requirements.

(3) Flight engineer type ratings

(a)Type ratings – validity

Flight engineer type ratings are valid for one year beginning with the date of issue, or the date of expiry if revalidated within the period of three months preceding the date of expiry.

(b)Type ratings – Revalidation

For revalidation of flight engineer type ratings the applicant must, within the three months preceding the expiry date of the rating, pass a proficiency check with an authorised examiner on the relevant type of aircraft.

Forms of certificate of revalidationU.K.

10.—(1) A certificate of revalidation required by article 65(2), 66(2) or 68 must be signed by a person authorised by the CAA to sign certificates of this kind and certify—

(a)the functions to which the certificate relates;

(b)that the person signing the certificate is satisfied that on a date specified in the certificate, the holder of the licence of which the certificate forms a part met the appropriate requirements for revalidation specified for the rating, in the case of an aircraft rating in paragraph 2 and in the case of any other rating in the Table at sub-paragraph (2), to exercise the privileges of the licence or rating to which the certificate relates;

(c)the type of aircraft or flight simulator in or by means of which the test was conducted; and

(d)the date on which it was signed.

(2) The requirements for revalidation of a rating listed in Column 1 are those set out in Column 2 of the following Table.

RatingParagraph in Section 1 of JAR-FCL 1 or 2
Instrument rating (aeroplane)1.185
Instrument rating (helicopter)2.185
Flight Instructor (aeroplane)1.355
Flying instructor's rating (aeroplanes)
Assistant flying instructor's rating (aeroplanes)
Flight instructor (helicopter)2.355
Flying instructor's rating (helicopters)
Assistant flying instructor's rating (helicopters)
Type rating instructor rating (multi-pilot aeroplane)1.370
Type rating instructor rating (helicopter)2.370
Class rating instructor rating (single pilot aeroplane)1.385
Instrument rating instructor rating (aeroplane)1.400
Instrument rating instructor rating (helicopter)2.400