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SCHEDULE 8U.K.Public transport – operational requirements

PART C U.K.Required crew training, experience, practice and periodical tests


2.—(1) Every pilot included in the flight crew who is intended by the operator to fly as pilot in circumstances requiring compliance with the Instrument Flight Rules must have been tested by or on behalf of the operator within the relevant period—

(a)as to the pilot's competence to perform the pilot's duties while executing normal manoeuvres and procedures in flight; and

(b)as to the pilot's competence to perform the pilot's duties in instrument flight conditions while executing emergency manoeuvres and procedures in flight,

in each case in an aircraft of the type to be used on the flight and including the use of the instruments and equipment provided in the aircraft.

(2) A pilot's ability to execute normal manoeuvres and procedures must be tested in the aircraft in flight.

(3) The other tests required by sub-paragraph (1) may be conducted either in the aircraft in flight, or under the supervision of a person approved by the CAA for the purpose by means of a flight simulator approved by the CAA.

(4) The tests specified in sub-paragraph (1)(b) when conducted in the aircraft in flight must be carried out either in actual instrument flight conditions or in instrument flight conditions simulated by means approved by the CAA.

(5) Every pilot included in the flight crew whose licence does not include an instrument rating or who is not intended by the operator to fly in circumstances requiring compliance with the Instrument Flight Rules, even though the licence includes such a rating, must have been tested within the relevant period, by or on behalf of the operator in flight in an aircraft of the type to be used on the flight—

(a)as to the pilot's competence to act as pilot of that aircraft, while executing normal manoeuvres and procedures; and

(b)as to the pilot's competence to act as pilot of that aircraft while executing emergency manoeuvres and procedures.

(6) (a) This sub-paragraph (6) applies to every pilot included in the flight crew who is seated at the flying controls during the take-off or landing and who is intended by the operator to fly as pilot in circumstances requiring compliance with the Instrument Flight Rules.

(b)Every pilot to whom this sub-paragraph applies must have been tested within the relevant period as to the pilot's proficiency in using instrument approach-to-land systems of the type in use at the aerodrome of intended landing and any alternate aerodromes.

(c)The test required by sub-paragraph (b) must be carried out—

(i)in flight in instrument flight conditions; or

(ii)in instrument flight conditions simulated by means approved by the CAA; or

(iii)under the supervision of a person approved by the CAA for the purpose by means of a flight simulator approved by the CAA.

(7) In the case of a helicopter, every pilot included in the flight crew whose licence does not include an instrument rating but who is intended to fly at night under visual flight conditions, must have been tested within the relevant period by or on behalf of the operator, in a helicopter of the type to be used on the flight, as to the pilot's competence to act as pilot of that helicopter—

(a)while executing normal manoeuvres and procedures; and

(b)while executing specified manoeuvres and procedures in flight in instrument flight conditions simulated by means approved by the CAA.

(8) Every pilot included in the flight crew and who is seated at the flying controls during take-off or landing must have carried out within the relevant period, at least three take-offs and three landings in aircraft of the type to be used on the flight when seated at the flying controls.