Statutory Instruments

2009 No. 3405


The Surrey County Council (New Thames Road Bridge, Walton) Scheme 2008 Confirmation Instrument 2009


21st December 2009

Coming into force in accordance with article 1

1.  This Instrument may be cited as “The Surrey County Council (New Thames Road Bridge, Walton) Scheme 2008 Confirmation Instrument 2009” and shall come into force on the date on which notice that it has been confirmed is first published in accordance with paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to the Highways Act 1980.

2.  The Surrey County Council (New Thames Road Bridge, Walton) Scheme 2008 (“the Scheme”) is hereby confirmed without modifications.

3.  The Scheme as confirmed is set out in the Schedule hereto (including the plan) and copies of the Scheme with its accompanying plan are deposited at the offices of the Department for Transport, Floor 13 (IMD), Ashdown House, St Leonards on Sea, Hastings, East Sussex, TN37 7GA, and at the offices of Surrey County Council, Legal Services, Room 127, County Hall, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2DN.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport,

J. Blackie

Regional Director Government Office for the North East

21st December 2009


Surrey County Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) make this Scheme in exercise of their powers under Section 106(3) of the Highways Act 1980 and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf -

1.  The Council are authorised to construct over the navigable waters of the River Thames the bridge specified in the Schedule to this Scheme as part of the highway which they are proposing to construct and improve between Oatlands Drive, Walton on Thames in the Borough of Elmbridge and Windmill Green, Shepperton in the Borough of Spelthorne in the County of Surrey.

2.  This Scheme may be cited as The Surrey County Council (New Thames Road Bridge, Walton) Scheme 2008.

  • Given under the common seal of the Council on the 10th day of September 2008.

  • The COMMON SEAL of SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL was hereunto Affixed in the presence of:

  • Nancy El-Shatoury

  • Principal Solicitors



The location and general design of the bridge are shown on the plan numbered 5038030/TE/DR/LO/004 Rev B, annexed hereto.


The points of commencement and termination are dimensioned from the north eastern corner of the building known as Bridge Marine and the southern corner of nos. 52 to 57 Swan Walk. Bridge Marine is located on the west bank of the river approximately 40 metres upstream of the existing temporary road bridge over the Thames. Nos. 52 to 57 Swan Walk are located on the west bank of the river approximately 20 metres downstream of the existing Callender-Hamilton Bridge over the Thames (pedestrians, cyclists and authorised maintenance vehicles only).

a)Point of Commencement

  • From a point on the east bank of the River Thames 124m metres from the southern corner of Nos. 52 to 57 Swan Walk and 115 metres from the north eastern corner of Bridge Marine.

b)Point of Termination

  • To a point on the west bank of the River Thames 60 metres from the southern corner of Nos. 52 to 57 Swan Walk and 43.5 metres from the north eastern corner of Bridge Marine.


The main supporting arch spans 96.1 metres to the centreline of steel arch ribs and crosses the River Thames, the Thames Path National Trail and both west and east banks of the River Thames. The bridge deck is supported at abutments, at intermediate piers, and by the arch with hangers attached to the arches. Proceeding from the east bank these spans are 14.9 metres, 19.1 metres, 87.5 metres, 17.8 metres and 8.7 metres respectively.


The headway above standard head water level (standard head water level for the Sunbury reach of the Thames is 8.095 metres above Ordnance Datum) will vary over the width of the river. A minimum headway of 6 metres will be provided over the main navigable channel which is 10 metres wide and centred about the centreline of the arches.


A minimum clear navigable waterway of 64 metres.


The overall length of the bridge will be 148 metres. The new bridge will carry a 7.3 metre carriageway with a 3.5 metre shared footways/cycleways on each side. The overall width of the bridge deck will be 15.3 metres. The overall width including the arch members varies from 21.85 metres at the arch springing to 17.4 metres at the centre of the arch.

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Instrument)

This Instrument confirms a Scheme to construct over the navigable waters of the River Thames a bridge as part of the highway which is to be constructed and improved between Oatlands Drive, Walton on Thames in the Borough of Elmbridge and Windmill Green, Shepperton in the Borough of Spelthorne in the County of Surrey.