
Statutory Instruments

2009 No. 698

Representation Of The People, England

Redistribution Of Seats

The Parliamentary Constituencies (England) (Amendment) Order 2009


18th March 2009

Coming into force in accordance with article 1(2)

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 18th day of March 2009


The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council

The Boundary Commission for England, in accordance with section 3(3) of the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986(1) (“the 1986 Act”), submitted to the Secretary of State a report dated 25th July 2008 with respect to the areas comprised in the constituencies of Daventry, South Northamptonshire, Somerton and Frome and Wells, showing the constituencies into which they recommend those areas should be divided.

A draft of this Order together with a copy of the Boundary Commission’s report was laid before Parliament by the Secretary of State pursuant to section 3(5) of the 1986 Act to give effect, without modifications, to the recommendations contained in that report, and each House of Parliament has by resolution approved the draft.

Therefore, Her Majesty is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to make the following Order under section 4 of the 1986 Act:

Citation and commencement

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Parliamentary Constituencies (England) (Amendment) Order 2009.

(2) This Order shall come into force on the fourteenth day after the day on which it is made(2).

Parliamentary constituencies in England

2.—(1) The Parliamentary Constituencies (England) Order 2007(3) (“the 2007 Order”) is amended as follows.

(2) For the constituencies of Daventry, South Northamptonshire, Somerton and Frome and Wells as constituted by the Schedule to the 2007 Order (and described by reference to local government areas as they existed on 12th April 2005), substitute the constituencies—

(a)which are named in column 1 of the Table in the Schedule to this Order;

(b)which are designated in that column as county constituencies; and

(c)which comprise the areas which are set out in column 2 of the Table.

(3) The areas set out in column 2 of the Table in the Schedule to this Order are local government areas as they existed on 3rd May 2007.

Electoral registers

3.  Each electoral registration officer for the constituencies referred to in article 2 shall make such re-arrangement or adaptation of the registers of parliamentary electors as may be necessary to give effect to this Order.

Judith Simpson

Clerk of the Privy Council

Article 2

SCHEDULEName, designation and composition of constituencies of Daventry, South Northamptonshire, Somerton and Frome and Wells


Name and designationComposition


(county constituency)

The District of Daventry wards:-

Abbey North, Abbey South, Badby, Barby and Kilsby, Boughton and Pitsford, Brampton, Braunston, Brixworth, Byfield, Clipston, Crick, Drayton, Flore, Hill, Long Buckby, Moulton, Ravensthorpe, Spratton, Walgrave, Weedon, Welford, West Haddon and Guilsborough, Woodford, Yelvertoft.

The District of South Northamptonshire wards:-

Harpole and Grange, Heyfords and Bugbrooke.

The Borough of Wellingborough wards:-

Earls Barton, West.

South Northamptonshire

(county constituency)

The Borough of Northampton wards:-

East Hunsbury, Nene Valley, West Hunsbury.

The District of South Northamptonshire wards:-

Astwell, Blakesley and Cote, Blisworth and Roade, Brackley East, Brackley South, Brackley West, Brafield and Yardley, Cosgrove and Grafton, Danvers and Wardoun, Deanshanger, Grange Park, Hackleton, Kings Sutton, Kingthorn, Little Brook, Middleton Cheney, Old Stratford, Salcey, Silverstone, Steane, Tove, Towcester Brook, Towcester Mill, Washington, Whittlewood.

Somerton and Frome

(county constituency)

The District of Mendip wards:-

Ammerdown, Beckington and Selwood, Butleigh and Baltonsborough, Coleford and Holcombe, Cranmore, Doulting and Nunney, Creech, Frome Berkley Down, Frome College, Frome Keyford, Frome Market, Frome Oakfield, Frome Park, Postlebury, Rode and Norton St Philip, the Pennards and Ditcheat.

The District of South Somerset wards:-

Blackmoor Vale, Bruton, Burrow Hill, Camelot, Cary, Curry Rivel, Islemoor, Langport and Huish, Martock, Milborne Port, Northstone, Tower, Turn Hill, Wessex, Wincanton.


(county constituency)

The District of Mendip wards:-

Ashwick, Chilcompton and Stratton, Chewton Mendip and Ston Easton, Croscombe and Pilton, Glastonbury St Benedict’s, Glastonbury St Edmund’s, Glastonbury St John’s, Glastonbury St Mary’s, Moor, Rodney and Westbury, St Cuthbert Out North, Shepton East, Shepton West, Street North, Street South, Street West, Wells Central, Wells St Cuthbert’s, Wells St Thomas’, Wookey and St Cuthbert Out West.

The District of Sedgemoor wards:-

Axbridge, Axe Vale, Berrow, Brent North, Burnham North, Burnham South, Cheddar and Shipham, Highbridge, Knoll, Wedmore and Mark.


(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order gives effect, without modifications, to the recommendations set out in the report of the Boundary Commission for England dated 25th July 2008 with respect to the areas comprised in the constituencies of Daventry, South Northamptonshire, Somerton and Frome and Wells.

The current parliamentary constituencies into which England is divided are set out in the Parliamentary Constituencies (England) Order 2007 (S.I. 2007/1681) (“the 2007 Order”) and are described by reference to local government areas as they existed on 12th April 2005. The District of South Northamptonshire (Electoral Changes) Order 2006 (S.I. 2006/3111) (as amended by S.I. 2007/137) and the District of Mendip (Electoral Changes) Order 2007 (S.I. 2007/141) altered local authority ward boundaries, which meant that those boundaries were no longer aligned with the parliamentary constituency boundaries. The changes came into force for all purposes at the local government elections on 3rd May 2007.

This Order implements the recommendations contained in the Boundary Commission for England’s report by amending the 2007 Order to realign the parliamentary constituency boundaries with the altered ward boundaries in the affected areas.

A full regulatory impact assessment has not been prepared for this instrument as no impact on the private or voluntary sectors is foreseen.


1986 c. 56. Amendments made to sections 3 and 4 of the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986 by the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (c. 41) are not yet in force.


By virtue of section 4(6) of the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986, the coming into force of this Order shall not affect any parliamentary election until a proclamation is issued by Her Majesty summoning a new Parliament, or affect the constitution of the House of Commons until the dissolution of the Parliament now in being.