16.—(1) The repeals and revocations made by Schedule 27 to the 2010 Act do not affect the operation of a transitional provision or saving relating to the commencement of a provision for which there is corresponding provision in the 2010 Act, in so far as the transitional provision or saving is not expressly restated in the 2010 Act but remains capable of having effect.
(2) The repeal or revocation by Schedule 27 to the 2010 Act of a provision previously repealed or revoked subject to a saving does not affect the continued operation of that saving.
(3) The repeal or revocation by Schedule 27 to the 2010 Act of a saving on the previous repeal or revocation of a provision does not affect the saving in so far as it is not expressly restated in the 2010 Act but remains capable of having effect.