PART 3Personal advisers
Functions of personal advisers8.
A personal adviser has the following functions in relation to the relevant child or former relevant child for whom they are appointed—
to provide advice (including practical advice) and support,
where applicable, to participate in the assessment and the preparation of the pathway plan,
to participate in reviews of the pathway plan,
to liaise with the responsible authority in the implementation of the pathway plan,
to co-ordinate the provision of services, and to take reasonable steps to ensure that the child makes use of such services and that they are appropriate to the child’s needs,
to remain informed about the relevant child’s or former relevant child’s progress and wellbeing, and
to keep a written record of contacts with, and of services provided to, the relevant or former relevant child.
In addition, where accommodation is provided to a relevant child or former relevant child by the responsible authority under section 23B or section 24B, the personal adviser must visit the relevant child or former relevant child at that accommodation—
within 7 days of the accommodation first being provided,
subsequently, before the pathway plan is reviewed under regulation 7(3), and
at subsequent intervals of not more than two months.