SCHEDULE 3Labelling and loose sales

PART 4Supplier’s labels

Vegetable seed: supplier’s labels

25.—(1) A supplier’s label may be used on—

(a)a package of standard vegetable seed, no matter what the weight, and

(b)a small package of certified (CS) seed.

(2) A small package of certified (CS) vegetable seed is a package of certified (CS) seed that weighs no more than—

(a)for legumes, 5kg;

(b)for asparagus, beetroot, carrot, chard or spinach beet, gourd, marrow, onion, radish, spinach or turnip, 500grams;

(c)for any other vegetable species, 100 grams;

(d)for a mixture of different varieties of standard seed of lettuce or radish, 50 grams.

(3) The label must be coloured dark yellow for standard seed or blue for certified seed.

(4) The following must appear on the label—

(a)the words “EC rules and standards”;

(b)the name, address and identification number of the person affixing the label;

(c)the marketing year of the sealing or of the last examination of germination (the end of the marketing year may be indicated);

(d)the species;

(e)the variety;

(f)the category: in the case of small packages, certified seed may be marked with the letter ‘C’ or ‘Z’ and standard seed with the letters ‘ST’;

(g)in the case of standard seed, the reference number given by the person responsible for affixing the labels;

(h)in the case of certified seed the reference number enabling the certified lot to be identified;

(i)the declared net or gross weight or declared number of seeds, except for small packages of up to 500 grams;

(j)where weight is indicated and granulated pesticides, pelleting substances or other solid additives are used, the nature of the additive and also the approximate ratio between the weight of clusters of pure seeds and the total weight.