

Back of Ballot Paper
Election for the ………………..Constituency on ……………………..
Etholiad dros Etholaeth…………………………ar……………………

1.  Nothing is to be printed on the ballot paper except in accordance with these directions.

2.  So far as practicable, the arrangements specified in paragraphs 3 to 12 must be observed in the printing of the ballot paper.

3.  Nothing in paragraph 2 prohibits the front of the ballot paper containing more than one column of candidates’ particulars and boxes for marking the vote if the returning officer thinks it is appropriate for the ballot paper to be printed with more than one column, but in such a case each column must be separated by a double vertical rule.

4.  Words printed on the ballot paper must be printed in a clear typeface and in characters of such a size that they are easily legible.

5.  No word shall be printed on the front of the ballot paper except—

(a)the words set out in the form of constituency ballot paper appearing in each block as described in paragraph 7;

(b)the particulars of the candidates; and

(c)words forming part of registered emblems.

6.  No rule shall be printed on the front of the ballot paper except:

(a)the horizontal rules framing the blocks;

(b)the horizontal rules separating the particulars of the candidates from one another; and

(c)the horizontal rule appearing beneath the candidate whose particulars appear last.

7.—(1) This paragraph makes provision in respect of that part of the ballot paper appearing between the two highest horizontal rules.

(2) The group of English words to the left and the group of Welsh words to the right are each referred to in these directions as a block (and a block also includes the box and representation in that box of how a vote is to be marked).

(3) The blocks may be reversed so that the block with the Welsh words is to the left and the block with the English words is to the right.

(4) The following words in this block shall be printed in bold form—

(a)“Ballot paper to elect the Assembly Member for the … constituency”, “Papur pleidleisio i ethol Aelod Cynulliad ar gyfer etholaeth…”

(b)“Vote [X] once only”, “Pleidleisiwch [X] unwaith yn unig”.

(5) Each component of the block that comprises paragraph 5(a) must be aligned horizontally in one language version with the other language version.

(6) The lines of each box in a block are not to be regarded as rules for the purposes of these directions.

8.—(1) On the ballot paper the surname of each candidate shall in all cases be printed in large capitals and in bold form with the candidate’s first name following three spaces after and printed in ordinary type in the same font size, except that small capitals shall be used—

(i)if his surname is the same as another candidate’s, for his other names; and

(ii)if his other names are also the same as the other candidate’s, either for his home address or for his description unless each of them is the same as that of another candidate with the same surname and other names.

(2) The candidate’s home address shall be printed in ordinary type, in a smaller font size and below the name as described in sub-paragraph (1).

(3) The details of any registered political party the candidate is representing shall be printed in characters in bold form of the same font size and below the address as described in sub-paragraph (2).

9.  Where a registered emblem is to be printed against a candidate’s particulars on the ballot paper—

(a)it shall be printed between the candidate’s particulars and the box for marking the vote; and

(b)its size as printed shall not exceed 2 centimetres square.

10.—(1) The boxes for marking the vote must appear on the right-hand edge of the ballot paper or, if paragraph 3 applies, on the right hand edge of each column.

(2) Each box must be—

(a)of the same size being 2cm square;

(b)aligned horizontally.

(3) The lines of each box for marking the vote are not to be regarded as rules for the purposes of these directions.

11.  The space on the ballot paper between each horizontal rule and the next horizontal rule below it as described in paragraphs 6(b) and (c) shall be 2.5 centimetres.

12.  The number and other unique identifying mark may be printed close to each other on the back of the ballot paper.

Back of Ballot Paper
Election for the ……………..Electoral Region on……..Etholiad dros Rhanbarth Etholiadol…………………………ar………………

The back is to include a mark or other distinguishing feature (which may be part of the number) to identify the Assembly constituency in which the ballot paper is to be used

1.  Nothing is to be printed on the ballot paper except in accordance with these directions.

2.  So far as practicable, the arrangements specified in paragraphs 3 to 12 must be observed in the printing of the ballot paper.

3.  Nothing in paragraph 2 prohibits the front of the ballot paper containing more than one column of the particulars of individual candidates and of registered political parties and the boxes for marking the vote if the returning officer thinks it is appropriate for the ballot paper to be printed with more than one column, but in such a case each column must be separated by a double vertical rule.

4.  Words printed on the ballot paper must be printed in a clear typeface and in characters of such size that they are easily legible.

5.  No word shall be printed on the front of the ballot paper except—

(a)the words set out in the form of regional ballot paper appearing in each block as described in paragraph 7;

(b)descriptions of registered political parties

(c)names and descriptions of individual candidates not representing a registered political party; and

(d)words forming part of registered emblems.

6.  No rule shall be printed on the front of the ballot paper except for—

(a)the horizontal rules framing the blocks;

(b)the horizontal rules separating the particulars of the parties and individual candidates from one another; and

(c)the horizontal rule appearing beneath the party or individual candidate whose particulars appear last.

7.—(1) This paragraph makes provision in respect of that part of the ballot paper appearing between the two highest horizontal rules.

(2) The group of English words to the left and the group of Welsh words to the right are each referred to in these directions as a block (and a block also includes the box and representation in that box of how a vote is to be marked).

(3) The blocks may be reversed so that the block with the Welsh words is to the left and the block with the English words is to the right.

(4) The following words in this block shall be printed in bold form—

(a)“Ballot paper to elect the Assembly Members for the … region”, “Papur pleidleisio i ethol Aelodau Cynulliad ar gyfer rhanbarth …”;

(b)“Vote [X] once only”, “Pleidleisiwch [X] unwaith yn unig”.

(5) Each component of the block that comprises paragraph 5(a) must be aligned horizontally in one language version with the other language version.

(6) The lines of each box in a block are not to be regarded as rules for the purposes of these directions.

8.  The description of the registered political parties, and the name of any independent candidate must be printed in ordinary type in a font larger than the description “Independent”, in English and Welsh printed below the individual candidate’s name.

9.  Where a registered emblem is to be printed against a registered political party’s description on the ballot paper—

(a)it shall be printed between the party’s description and the box in which a vote may be marked; and

(b)its size as printed shall not exceed 2 centimetres square.

10.—(1) The boxes for marking the vote must appear on the right-hand edge of the ballot paper or, if paragraph 3 applies, on the right hand edge of each column.

(2) Each box must be—

(a)of the same size being 2cm square;

(b)aligned horizontally.

(3) The lines of each box for marking a vote are not to be regarded as rules for the purposes of these directions.

11.  The space on the ballot paper between each horizontal rule and the next horizontal rule below it as described in paragraphs 6(b) and (c) shall be 2.5 centimetres.

12.  The number and other unique identifying mark may be printed close to each other on the back of the ballot paper.