

A local authority shall, not less than 7 days before the date on which a charging scheme (including any replacement scheme) is to come into effect, publish in their area, in such manner as they consider appropriate, the fact that they have made the charging scheme, the date on which it comes into effect and the address where it may be inspected.


A local authority shall, not less than 7 days before the date on which an amendment to a charging scheme is to come into effect, publish in their area, in such manner as they consider appropriate, the fact that they have made the amendment (identifying its subject-matter), the date on which it comes into effect and the address where the amendment and the scheme as amended may be inspected.


A local authority shall maintain a copy of any charging scheme currently in force as made by them, or as made and amended by them, and shall make this available for inspection free of charge by any member of the public on request and at any reasonable time at the address which it has published in accordance with paragraph (1).