The Harwich Parkeston Quay Harbour Revision Order 2010


2.—(1) In this Order—

“the 1847 Act” means the Harbours, Docks, and Piers Clauses Act 1847(1);

“the 1983 Act” means the Parkeston Quay Act 1983(2);

“area of seaward construction activity” means the area of the sea within the limits of deviation shown on the deposited plans;

“the authorised works” means the works and operations authorised by article 3 and article 5;

“boat harbour” means the area bounded by a line drawn from Trinity Pier commencing at the landward end of that pier at a point at TM2580832662, then extending in a south-easterly direction along the Trinity House buoy yard quay wall to a point at TM2585832568, then continuing along the wall in a south-westerly direction to a point at TM2584132553, then extending in a south-easterly direction towards the A120 to a point at TM2587932513, then continuing in a south-westerly direction to a point at TM2582832465, then extending in a north-westerly direction to a point at TM2579132479, then in a south-westerly direction to a point at TM2569132454, then in a south-westerly direction to a point at TM2564332368, then in a westerly direction to a point at TM2558132366, then in a northerly direction to a point at TM2558832684, then in an easterly direction to a point at TM2561432683, then in a north-easterly direction to a point at TM2573132747 then in a north-easterly direction to a point at TM2574232748, then in a south easterly direction to a point at TM2580032661, then passing by the shortest line in an easterly direction and terminating at the point of commencement and for the purpose of identification only is shown cross hatched black on sheet 5 of the deposited plans;

“the Company” means Harwich International Port Limited a company incorporated in England with registered number 2486146;

“deposited plans” and “deposited sections” mean respectively the plans and sections prepared in duplicate signed by the Head of the Ports Division in the Department for Transport and marked “The Harwich Parkeston Quay Harbour Revision Order 2010”, of which copies are deposited at the offices of the Secretary of State for Transport and the registered office of the Company;

“existing” means existing at the commencement of this Order;

“the harbour undertaking” means the undertaking of the Company authorised by the Harwich Parkeston Quay enactments;

“Harwich Haven Authority” means the body having that name pursuant to section 12 of the Harwich Harbour Act 1988(3) and has the meaning assigned by the Harwich Harbour Acts and Orders 1973 to 2000;

“Harwich Parkeston Quay enactments” means the enactments specified in Schedule 1 and this Order;

“level of high water” means the level of mean high-water springs;

“limits of deviation” means the limits of deviation shown on the deposited plans;

“mooring” includes any buoy, pile, pontoon, post, chain, pillar or like apparatus or convenience used for the mooring of vessels;

“the river” means the river Stour;

“tidal work” means so much of the authorised works as is on, under or over tidal waters or tidal lands below the level of high water;

“Trinity House” means the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond.

(2) This Order shall be read as if the words “or thereabouts” were inserted after each direction, distance and length mentioned in article 3.

(3) Reference points specified in this Order shall be construed as references to Ordnance Survey National Grid reference points.