PART 4 Provision for different types of placement
PART 5 Visits by the responsible authority's representative etc.
PART 7 Arrangements made by the responsible authority for ceasing to look after a child
PART 8 Independent reviewing officers and independent visitors
Matters to be taken into account when assessing the suitability of P to care for C
Matters to be taken into account when assessing the suitability of a connected person to care for C
Considerations to which the responsible authority must have regard when reviewing C's case
1.The effect of any change in C's circumstances since the...
2.Whether the responsible authority should seek any change in C's...
4.The arrangements for contact and whether there is any need...
5.Whether C's placement continues to be the most appropriate available,...
6.C's educational needs, progress and development and whether any change...
9.Whether C's needs related to C's identity are being met...
10.Whether the arrangements made in accordance with regulation 31 continue...
13.Where regulation 28(3) applies, the frequency of R's visits.
Matters to be dealt with in the pathway plan
2.The nature and level of contact and personal support to...
4.The plan for C's continuing education or training when C...
5.How the responsible authority will assist C in obtaining employment...
7.A programme to develop the practical and other skills C...
9.C's health care needs, including any physical, emotional or mental...
10.The responsible authority's contingency plans for action to be taken...