The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010

Regulation 43

SCHEDULE 8Matters to be dealt with in the pathway plan

This schedule has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

1.  The name of C’s personal adviser.

2.  The nature and level of contact and personal support to be provided to C, and by whom.

3.  Details of the accommodation C is to occupy when C ceases to be looked after.

4.  The plan for C’s continuing education or training when C ceases to be looked after.

5.  How the responsible authority will assist C in obtaining employment or other purposeful activity or occupation.

6.  The support to be provided to enable C to develop and sustain appropriate family and social relationships.

7.  A programme to develop the practical and other skills C needs to live independently.

8.  The financial support to be provided to enable C to meet accommodation and maintenance costs.

9.  C’s health care needs, including any physical, emotional or mental health needs and how they are to be met when C ceases to be looked after.

10.  The responsible authority’s contingency plans for action to be taken in the event that the pathway plan ceases to be effective for any reason.