PART 3Importation from a third country

Procedure on importationF115


When the consignment has been unloaded, the person responsible for the consignment must with reasonable expedition arrange for it, together with the F2relevant export health certificate, in the form published by the Secretary of State and amended from time to time, and other documentation specified for that consignment in retained direct EU legislation relating to importation, to be presented at the border control post inspection facilities to enable official controls in accordance with—


Chapter 5 of the F3Official Controls Regulation, together with relevant implementing and delegated acts; and


the checks required by Article 37(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012.


Any operator responsible for the consignment must ensure that the consignment is presented for official controls at the border control post at a reasonable time during the working day.


The competent authority must carry out all necessary official controls specified in paragraph (1) and may only issue a CHED permitting entry if—


F8the consignment complies with the requirements of the following, so far as relevant and when read with any other provisions of the legislation referred to below which apply in relation to such requirements—


the legislation listed in regulation 7(2) of the TARP (ALF) Regulations 2022, as modified by Part 5 of those Regulations or by the legislation referred to in paragraph (ii);


any legislation made by the appropriate authority under the functions listed in the Schedule to the TARP (ALF) Regulations 2022, where applicable.


the importation is not prohibited under paragraph (4); and


the correct fee for the checks has been or will be paid.


In the case of live animals, the official veterinary surgeon must not issue a CHED permitting entry if—


the animals are from a territory or part of a territory of a third country not included in F4a list drawn up in accordance with retained direct EU legislation for the species concerned or from which imports are otherwise prohibited under that legislation of approved third countries, or if imports from that country or territory are otherwise prohibited;


the animals are suffering from or are suspected to be suffering from or infected by a contagious disease or a disease presenting a risk to human or animal health;


the exporting third country has not complied with the requirements provided for in F5retained direct EU legislation relating to importation;


the animals are not in a fit state to continue their journey; or


the veterinary certificate or document accompanying the animals does not meet the requirements of F6retained direct EU legislation relating to importation.


If there are no legislative requirements relating to the consignment, the official veterinary surgeon must not issue a CHED unless the importation has been authorised in writing under this paragraph by—


the Food Standards Agency, for any product for which only public health requirements apply; or


the Secretary of State, for any other product F7or live animal.


An authorisation under paragraph (5)(a) may only be granted if the Agency is satisfied that the consignment does not pose a risk to human health.


An authorisation under paragraph (5)(b) may only be granted if the Secretary of State is satisfied that the consignment does not pose a risk to the animal health status of the United Kingdom.


The official veterinary surgeon must retain evidence of authorisation or refusal of a consignment for a period of three years from the date of the importation.