PART 5Objective 1

CHAPTER 1Setting a bar date

Content of claim in respect of security interest

140.—(1) This rule applies to the submission of claims as described in regulation 11(1)(b).

(2) A person submitting a claim must submit that claim in writing to the administrator.

(3) The claim must—

(a)be made out by, or under the direction of, the claimant and must be signed by the claimant or a person authorised in that behalf; and

(b)state the following matters—

(i)the claimant’s name and address,

(ii)details of any security interest asserted by the claimant over any client assets held by the investment bank, including details of the client assets to which the security interest relates, the date on which the security interest was granted, conditions for the release of the security and the value which the claimant puts on the security interest,

(iii)details of any other parties’ interest in the security interest that are known to the claimant, and

(iv)any other information relating to the security interest that the claimant considers useful to the administrator in determining the rights attached to the client assets which are the subject of the claim; and

(c)state the name, address and authority of the person signing the claim.

(4) The claim shall specify details of any documents by reference to which the claim can be substantiated; but (subject to paragraph (5)), it is not essential that such documents be attached to the claim or submitted with it.

(5) Where the administrator thinks it necessary for the purpose of substantiating the whole or any part of a claim submitted, the administrator may—

(a)call for any document or other evidence to be produced; or

(b)send a request in writing for further information from the claimant.