Amendment of the Information as to Provision of Education (England) Regulations 2008

5.  In Schedule 1—

(a)in paragraphs 1 and 6—

(i)for “January” substitute “May”; and

(ii)after “each” insert “Academy located in the area of the authority and in each”;

(b)paragraph 2 is revoked;

(c)in paragraph 3, for the words from “A forecast of the number of registered pupils” to “each school year over- ” substitute—

Forecasts of the number of registered pupils in respect of each school year, for whom primary education will be provided and for whom secondary education will be provided, in Academies located in the area of the authority and in community, foundation and voluntary schools maintained by the authority, on 1st January in each school year, for—;

(d)in paragraph 4, for the words from “a forecast for each district” to “each school year for” substitute—

forecasts for each district of the number of registered pupils in respect of each school year, firstly for whom primary education will be provided and secondly for whom secondary education will be provided, in Academies located in the area of the authority and in community, foundation and voluntary schools maintained by the authority, on 1st January in each school year, for—;

(e)for paragraph 7, substitute—

7.  The admission numbers, for the school year in which the information is provided to the Secretary of State, for each age group or groups to which pupils are normally admitted to the school, in respect of each—

(a)Academy located in the area of the authority, and

(b)community, foundation and voluntary school maintained by the authority.;

(f)after paragraph 7, insert—

8.  An estimate of any expected future level of shortfall of places in any—

(a)Academy located in the area of the authority,

(b)community, foundation or voluntary school maintained by the authority, or

(c)geographical area within the area of authority,

together with details of any action planned by the authority or any other body to secure additional capacity, and the date by which such action is planned to be completed.

9.  A statement about any other expected changes of capacity in any—

(a)Academy located in the area of the authority,

(b)community, foundation or voluntary school maintained by the authority, or

(c)area within the area of the authority.