These Regulations amend the National Health Service (Travel Expenses and Remission of Charges) Regulations 2003 (“the Travel Expenses and Remission of Charges Regulations”).
Regulation 2(2) updates references to student funding regulations in Wales. These set out the entitlement to grants and loans available to students. Certain of the amounts of student maintenance grants are disregarded in calculating the entitlement of students to the payment of travel expenses and the remission of charges under the Travel Expenses and Remission of Charges Regulations. It also inserts a new reference to the relevant student funding regulations in Northern Ireland in order that they can be correctly footnoted, as they were incorrectly footnoted when the reference was inserted by S.I. 2010/1727.
Regulation 2(3) updates the reference to the publication which describes additional loans paid under the Education (Student Loans) (Scotland) Regulations 2007. These loans are disregarded in the calculation of a student’s loan income when a person’s entitlement to the payment of NHS travel expenses and the remission of NHS charges is being established under the Travel Expenses and Remission of Charges Regulations.