PART 9Applications to the Court

Starting proceedings

55.—(1) Where proceedings are to be started, the economic operator must—

(a)after filing the claim form, serve it on the contracting authority; or

(b)in Scotland, serve the proceedings on the contracting authority.

(2) Paragraph (3) applies where proceedings are started—

(a)seeking a declaration of ineffectiveness; or

(b)alleging a breach of regulation 34, 56 or 57(1)(b) where the contract has not been fully performed.

(3) In those circumstances, the economic operator must, as soon as practicable, send a copy of the claim form, or in Scotland the proceedings, to each person, other than the contracting authority, who is a party to the contract in question.

(4) The contracting authority must, as soon as practicable, comply with any request from the economic operator for any information that the economic operator may reasonably require for the purpose of complying with paragraph (3).

(5) In this regulation “serve” means serve in accordance with rules of court, and for the purposes of this regulation a claim form is, or in Scotland proceedings are, deemed to be served on the day on which it is, or they are, deemed by rules of court to be served.