3. The following requirements are relaxed in relation to the Governing Bodies as they apply in relation to pupils who are over compulsory school age(1)—
(a)the requirement in section 434(1) of the 1996 Act for the proprietor(2) of a school to cause to be kept a register containing the prescribed particulars in respect of all persons who are pupils at the school;
(b)the requirement in section 434(3)(b) of the 1996 Act that the name of a pupil shall only be deleted from a register on a prescribed ground;
(c)the requirement in regulation 3 of the Education (Information about Individual Pupils) (England) Regulations 2006(3) to provide the information set out in Schedule 1 to those Regulations to the local authority which maintain a school within fourteen days of the receipt of a request for that information by that local authority.
“Compulsory school age” is defined in section 8 of the Education Act 1996.
“Proprietor” is defined in section 579 of the Education Act 1996. In relation to a community, foundation or voluntary school, it means the governing body of the school.
S.I. 2006/2601. References to “local education authority” were substituted by references to “local authority” by S.I. 2010/1172.