Introductory Text
PART 1 General
1.Citation, commencement and interpretation
2.(1) In these Regulations— “the 1972 Act” means the Local...
PART 2 Petitions and Referendums
3.Interpretation of Part 2
4.Verification number
5.Publicity for verification numbers
6.Petitions for a referendum
7.Post-announcement petitions
8.Amalgamation of petitions
9.Validity of petitions
10.Formalities of petition
11.Procedure on receipt of petition
12.Public inspection of petitions
13.Publicity for valid petitions
14.Publicity for invalid petitions
15.Restrictions relating to publicity
16.Timing of referendum in consequence of valid petition
17.Action before referendum
PART 3 Action to be taken after referendums
18.Action where referendum proposals approved
19.Action where referendum proposals rejected
PART 4 Default powers of the Secretary of State
20.Default powers of the Secretary of State
PART 5 Revocations
21.The following Regulations are revoked— (a) the Local Authorities (Referendums)(Petitions...
The terms of the statement referred to in regulation 10(2)...
“We, the undersigned, being local government electors for the area...
Note: The phrase marked * or ** or *** to...
Explanatory Note