PART 2 E+WPetitions and Referendums

Publicity for valid petitionsE+W

13.—(1) Where the proper officer is satisfied that a petition is valid, he or she shall, within the notice period, notify the petition organiser—

(a)of his or her conclusion; and

(b)that a referendum will be held.

(2) In a case to which paragraph (1) applies, the authority shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after the paragraph (1) requirement has been met, publish a notice which contains a statement—

(a)that a valid petition has been received;

(b)of the constitutional change sought by the petition;

(c)of the petition date;

(d)that the petition is available at the authority's principal office for inspection by members of the public at all reasonable times and free of charge;

(e)of the address of the authority's principal office; and

(f)that a referendum will be held.