The Parole Board Rules 2011


(This note is not part of the Rules)

These Rules set out the procedure to be adopted by the Parole Board when dealing with cases referred to it by the Secretary of State.

Part 1 revokes the Parole Board Rules 2004 and contains provisions for the application and interpretation of the Rules.

Part 2 covers procedures which are required in Parole Board proceedings, including the appointment of panels, information and reports to be prepared by the Secretary of State and the giving of directions.

Part 3 sets out the timetable and rules for proceedings without a hearing where the Parole Board determines the initial release of a prisoner serving an indeterminate sentence.

Part 4 sets out the timetable and rules for proceedings with a hearing.

Part 5 contains miscellaneous provisions about time limits, the transmission of documents and procedural errors.

Schedules 1 and 2 set out the information and reports to be sent to the Parole Board by the Secretary of State.