Amendments to the Education (National Curriculum) (Key Stage 1 Assessment Arrangements) (England) Order 20046

After article 6 (moderation of assessments) insert—

Monitoring of assessments under article 5A6A


In any school year a local authority must carry out the functions imposed on it by this article in relation to at least 10% of the schools it maintains at which an assessment under article 5A is being administered in that school year (“monitored schools”).


The local authority must visit monitored schools for the purpose of monitoring the extent to which the assessment is being carried out in accordance with the provisions of article 5A and any delegated supplementary provisions relating to an assessment under that article.


A visit to a monitored school by the local authority for the purposes of this article may take place at one of the following times—


the week before an assessment under article 5A is to be administered;


the period during which an assessment under article 5A is to be administered;


the five school days following the last day on which an assessment under article 5A may be administered.


In any school year the monitoring authority must make visits of each of the kinds of visit referred to in paragraph (3)(a) and (b).


The local authority must discuss the outcome of its monitoring visits to a school with the head teacher of the school.


If as a result of a visit carried out in accordance with this article it appears to the local authority that an assessment under article 5A has not been administered in accordance with the provisions of that article or under article 9 it must—


bring the matter to the attention of the head teacher; and


report the matter to the Secretary of State.


The head teacher and the governing body must—


permit the local authority to enter the premises of the school at any reasonable time in order to observe the implementation of the arrangements for assessment under article 5A;


permit the local authority to inspect and take copies of documents relating to that assessment;


provide the local authority with such information relating to that assessment as the local authority reasonably requests.