PART 1A National Technical Specification Notices and National Technical Rules
1.1.Safety (1.1.1) The design, construction or assembly, maintenance and monitoring...
1.2.Reliability and availability The monitoring and maintenance of fixed or...
1.3.Health (1.3.1) Materials likely, by virtue of the way they...
1.4.Environmental protection (1.4.1) The environmental impact of establishment and operation...
1.5.Technical compatibility The technical characteristics of the infrastructure and fixed...
1.6.Accessibility (1.6.1) The ‘infrastructure’ and ‘rolling stock’ subsystems must be...
2.1.Infrastructure (2.1.1) Safety Appropriate steps must be taken to prevent...
2.2.Energy (2.2.1) Safety Operation of the energy-supply systems must not...
2.3.Control-command and signalling (2.3.1) Safety The control-command and signalling installations...
2.4.Rolling stock (2.4.1) Safety The rolling-stock structures and those of...
2.5.Maintenance (2.5.1) Health and safety The technical installations and the...
2.6.Operation and traffic management (2.6.1) Safety Alignment of the network...
2.7.Telematics applications for freight and passengers (2.7.1) Technical compatibility The...
2.1.Infrastructure The track, points, engineering structures (bridges, tunnels etc.), associated...
2.2.Energy The electrification system, including overhead lines and the trackside...
2.3.Trackside control-command and signalling All the trackside equipment required to...
2.4.On-board control-command and signalling All the on-board equipment required to...
2.5.Operation and traffic management The procedures and related equipment enabling...
2.6.Telematics applications This subsystem comprises two elements—
2.7.Rolling stock Structure, command and control system for all train...
2.8.Maintenance The procedures, associated equipment, logistics centres for maintenance work...
UK verification assessment procedure for subsystems
1.General principles “UK verification” means a procedure carried out by...
2.1.Introduction For the purpose of these Regulations, the verification by...
2.2.Intermediate statement of verification (ISV) (2.2.1) Principles At the request...
2.3.UK certificate of verification (2.3.1) The approved bodies responsible for...
2.4.Technical file accompanying the UK declaration of verification The technical...
2.5.Surveillance by approved body (2.5.1) The approved body responsible for...
2.6.Submission A copy of the technical file accompanying the UK...
2.7.Publication Each approved body must periodically publish relevant information concerning:...
3.UK certificate of verification issued by a designated body
3.1.Introduction In any case where UK specific rules apply, the...
3.2.Certificate of verification The designated body must draw up the...
3.3.Technical file The technical file compiled by the designated body...
4.Verification of parts of subsystems If a UK certificate of...
UK declaration of verification of subsystems
1.UK declaration of verification of subsystems The UK declaration of...
2.Modification of subsystems with EC or UK declaration of verification...
2.1.If the entity introducing the modifications demonstrates that the modification...
2.2.If the entity introducing the modification demonstrates that the modification...
3.UK declaration of verification in the case of additional verifications...
Model declaration of conformity to an authorised type of vehicle
UK declaration of conformity or suitability for use of interoperability constituents
Minimum criteria which must be taken into account by the Secretary of State when approving bodies