1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1

    1. 1.Citation, commencement and application

    2. 2.Interpretation

  3. PART 2

    1. 3.Statement of purpose and children’s guide

    2. 4.Review of statement of purpose and children’s guide

  4. PART 3

    1. Fostering agency

      1. 5.Fitness of fostering service provider

      2. 6.Appointment of manager

      3. 7.Fitness of manager

      4. 8.Registered person – general requirements

      5. 9.Notification of offences

    2. Local authority fostering service

      1. 10.Manager

  5. PART 4

    1. 11.Independent fostering agencies—duty to secure welfare

    2. 12.Arrangements for the protection of children

    3. 13.Behaviour management and children missing from foster parent’s home

    4. 14.Duty to promote contact

    5. 15.Health of children placed with foster parents

    6. 16.Education, employment and leisure activities

    7. 17.Support, training and information for foster parents

    8. 18.Independent fostering agencies – representations and complaints

    9. 19.Staffing of fostering service

    10. 20.Fitness of workers

    11. 21.Employment of staff

    12. 22.Records with respect to fostering services

  6. PART 5

    1. 23.Constitution and membership of fostering panel

    2. 24.Meetings of fostering panel

    3. 25.Functions of fostering panel

    4. 26.Assessment of prospective foster parents

    5. 27.Approval of foster parents

    6. 28.Reviews and terminations of approval

    7. 29.Information to be sent to the independent review panel

    8. 30.Case records relating to foster parents and others

    9. 31.Register of foster parents

    10. 32.Retention and confidentiality of records

  7. PART 6

    1. 33.Fostering agency ceasing to carry out fostering functions – notifications and records

    2. 34.Fostering agency ceasing to carry out fostering functions – new fostering service providers

    3. 35.Review of quality of care

    4. 36.Notifiable events

    5. 37.Financial position

    6. 38.Notice of absence

    7. 39.Notice of changes

    8. 40.Appointment of liquidators

    9. 41.Compliance with Regulations

  8. PART 7

    1. 42.Application of these Regulations with modifications to short breaks

    2. 43.Amendment of Regulations

    3. 44.Revocation of Regulations

    4. 45.Transitional provisions

  9. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Information required in respect of persons seeking to carry on, manage or work for the purposes of a fostering service

      1. 1.Proof of identity including a recent photograph.

      2. 2.Either— (a) where the certificate is required for a purpose...

      3. 3.Two written references, including a reference from the person’s most...

      4. 4.Where a person has previously worked in a position whose...

      5. 5.Documentary evidence of any relevant qualification.

      6. 6.A full employment history, together with a satisfactory written explanation...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Records to be kept by fostering service providers

      1. 1.A record in the form of a register showing in...

      2. 2.A record showing in respect of each person working for...

      3. 3.A record of all accidents occurring to children whilst placed...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Information as to prospective foster parent (“X”) and other members of their household and family

      1. 1.Full name, address and date of birth.

      2. 2.Details of health (supported by a medical report), personality, marital...

      3. 3.Particulars of any other adult members of the household.

      4. 4.Particulars of the children in the family, whether or not...

      5. 5.Particulars of their accommodation.

      6. 6.Religious persuasion, and capacity to care for a child from...

      7. 7.Racial origin, cultural and linguistic background and capacity to care...

      8. 8.Past and present employment or occupation, standard of living and...

      9. 9.Previous experience (if any) of caring for their own and...

      10. 10.Skills, competence and potential relevant to their capacity to care...

      11. 11.The outcome of any request or application made by them...

      12. 12.Names and addresses of two persons who will provide personal...

      13. 13.In relation to the prospective foster parent and any other...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Offences specified for the purposes of regulation 26

      1. PART 1

        1. 1.Offences in England and Wales

        2. 2.Offences in Scotland

        3. 3.An offence specified in Schedule 1 to the Criminal Procedure...

        4. 4.An offence of plagium (theft of a child below the...

        5. 5.An offence under section 52 or 52A of the Civic...

        6. 6.An offence under section 3 of the Sexual Offences (Amendment)...

        7. 7.Offences in Northern Ireland

        8. 8.An offence specified in Schedule 1 to the Children and...

        9. 9.An offence under Article 3 of the Protection of Children...

        10. 10.An offence contrary to Article 15 of the Criminal Justice...

      2. PART 2

        1. 1.(1) An offence under any of the following sections of...

        2. 2.A person falls within this paragraph if the person has...

        3. 3.A person falls within this paragraph if the person has...

        4. 4.Paragraphs 1(c) and 3(e) and (f) do not include offences...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Matters and obligations in Foster Care Agreements

      1. 1.Matters to be recorded (a) The terms of the foster...

      2. 2.Obligations on the foster parent (a) To care for any...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Matters to be monitored by the registered person

      1. 1.Compliance in relation to each child placed with foster parents,...

      2. 2.All accidents, injuries and illnesses of children placed with foster...

      3. 3.Complaints in relation to children placed with foster parents and...

      4. 4.Any allegations or suspicions of abuse or neglect in respect...

      5. 5.Recruitment records and the conduct of required checks of new...

      6. 6.Notifications of events listed in Schedule 7.

      7. 7.Any child missing from a foster parent’s home without permission....

      8. 8.Use of any measures of control, restraint or discipline in...

      9. 9.Medication, medical treatment and first aid administered to any child...

      10. 10.Where applicable, the standard of any education provided by the...

      11. 11.Records of assessments.

      12. 12.Records of fostering panel meetings.

      13. 13.Records of appraisals of employees.

      14. 14.Minutes of staff meetings.

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Events and notifications

  10. Explanatory Note