The Sixth Form College Corporations (Publication of Proposals) (England) Regulations 2012

Regulations 3 and 4


Information to be contained in proposals to establish sixth form college corporations

1.  The information which the proposer must publish is as follows—

(a)the proposed name of the sixth form college corporation which is to conduct the institution and the proposed name of the institution (if different);

(b)the address or the proposed address of the institution concerned;

(c)the date on which it is proposed that the sixth form college corporation is to be established and the date on which it is proposed that the corporation should conduct the institution;

(d)on the date which it is proposed the sixth form college corporation will be established, the percentage of its total enrolment number who will be over compulsory school age but under 19;

(e)the reason for proposing the establishment of a body corporate as a sixth form college corporation;

(f)a general description of the education to be provided at the institution when it is conducted by a sixth form college corporation, including the age range of the students; and

(g)the number of full-time students, the number of part-time students and the total number of students which are forecast for such time as the institution is fully operational.

Information to be contained in proposals to dissolve sixth form college corporations

2.  The information which the corporation must publish is as follows—

(a)the name of the sixth form college corporation and the name of the institution concerned (if different);

(b)the address of the corporation;

(c)a general description of the education provided at the corporation;

(d)the number of full-time students, the number of part-time students and the total number of students at the corporation;

(e)the reason for proposing the dissolution of the corporation;

(f)the date proposed for the dissolution of the corporation;

(g)the educational provision to be made for those students who have not completed their courses on that date; and

(h)the proposed arrangements for the transfer of the property, rights and liabilities of the corporation.