SCHEDULE 13Prescription only medicines for which community practitioner nurse prescribers are appropriate practitioners

Regulations 214(4) and 216(1)

  • Co-danthramer Capsules NPF

  • Co-danthramer Capsules Strong NPF

  • Co-danthramer Oral Suspension NPF

  • Co-danthramer Oral Suspension Strong NPF

  • Co-danthrusate Capsules

  • Co-danthrusate Oral Suspension NPF

  • Mebendazole Tablets NPF

  • Mebendazole Oral Suspension NPF

  • Miconazole Oral Gel NPF

  • Nystatin Oral Suspension

  • Nystatin Pastilles NPF

  • Streptokinase and Streptodornase Topical Powder NPF

  • Water for injections

  • In this Schedule “NPF” means the Nurse Prescribers' Formulary Appendix in the British National Formulary.