PART 2Preparation for registration
Non-domestic rates billing information and the initial registration list
As soon as the business registration officer knows that a business referendum is to be held, the business registration officer must request that each billing authority for the whole or any part of the referendum area provides, as far as it is able to ascertain from the records they hold for the purposes of non-domestic rates at that time, the information listed in sub-paragraphs (2)(a) to (c) and, where applicable, the information at sub-paragraph (3).
As soon as practicable after the billing authority have received the request from the business registration officer in accordance with paragraph (1), and in any event no later than the fiftieth day before the referendum, the billing authority shall provide the following information to the business registration officer—
the name of each non-domestic rate payer who is liable, in respect of a hereditament in the referendum area, to pay rates on the fifty- sixth day before the business referendum according to the non-domestic rating list kept and maintained by that billing authority; and
for each person described in (a), the address of the hereditament (or, if applicable, hereditaments); and
the rateable value of each hereditament the address of which has been provided in accordance with (b).
Where it appears to the relevant billing authority that it would be impractical for communications to be sent to a particular hereditament address, the billing authority shall also provide to the business registration officer, in respect of that hereditament, the billing address of the person who is liable to pay rates on that hereditament.
The business registration officer may, at any time during the referendum period, request from the billing authority any update on the information mentioned in sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) which the billing authority is able to ascertain from its non-domestic billing records at that time.
The business registration officer may, at any time during the referendum period, request from the billing authority that it provide that officer with the name of each non-domestic rate payer who has become liable, in respect of a hereditament in the referendum area, after the fifty-sixth day before the referendum to pay rates according to the non-domestic rating list kept and maintained by that billing authority.
As soon as practicable after the billing authority have received a request from the business registration officer under paragraph (5), the billing authority shall provide that information to the business registration officer, as well as the information mentioned in sub-paragraphs (2)(b)-(c) and (3).
Subject to sub-paragraph (8) below, the information provided under sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) by the billing authority in response to a request from the business registration officer under sub-paragraph (1) comprises “the initial registration list”.
Where a referendum area comprises any part of the area of more than one relevant council, the business registration officer shall compile the information received in response to a request made under sub-paragraph (1) from each relevant billing authority under sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) into a single list and this single list shall comprise “the initial registration list”.
The business registration officer shall, as far as practicable and seeking advice from the billing authority or authorities as appropriate, ensure that the initial registration list is free from duplicate entries.
For the purposes of this paragraph, a “duplicate entry” is where the name of a non-domestic rate payer appears more than once on the initial registration list, for whatever reason.
The business registration officer may use the information provided under sub-paragraphs (2) and (3), and (5) and (6) (if any), in any form in connection with requirements imposed by this Schedule in relation to the business voting register and not for any other purpose.