PART 7The Poll
Admission to polling station
The presiding officer must exclude all persons from the polling station except—
named voters;
persons under the age of 18 who accompany named voters to the polling station;
the polling observers appointed to attend at the polling station;
the clerks appointed to attend at the polling station;
persons who are entitled to attend by virtue of any of sections 6A to 6D of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000;
the constables on duty; and
the companions of named voters with disabilities.
The presiding officer must regulate the total number of named voters and persons under the age of 18 who accompany them to be admitted to the polling station at the same time.
A constable or person employed by a counting officer must not be admitted to vote in person elsewhere than at the polling station allotted to them under these Rules, except on production and surrender of a certificate as to their employment which must be in the form set out in Form 8 in the Appendix, or a form to like effect, and signed by an officer of police of or above the rank of inspector or by the counting officer by whom the person is employed, as the case may be.
Any certificate surrendered under this rule must forthwith be cancelled.