Contract Requirements-Environment

8.—(1) The authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the CR-E or as otherwise amended with the agreement of the relevant planning authority. The mitigation measures set out in the Environmental Statement must be reflected in preparing any plan required by the CR-E.

(2) The Mandatory Requirements set out in section 5 of the CR-E in respect of—

(a)5.10 External Communications programme;

(b)5.13 Pollution Incident Control Plan (which must include prior consideration of the potential sources of pollution and how they might be prevented, paying particular attention to the potential pollution impacts of the works on the River Gipping and sub-surface controlled waters and how they might be prevented); and

(c)5.17 Waste Management Plan (which must be prepared in accordance with the Site Waste Management Plans Regulations 2008(1)),

must be submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(3) The Pollution Incident Control Plan required under section 5.13 of the CR-E must include the minimum measures set out in section 7 of the Statement of Common Ground between Network Rail, the Environment Agency and Natural England dated 9th January 2012 on the minimum measures required for a pollution incident control plan and submitted to the Examining authority in connection with examination of the application for this Order

(4) The following matters set out in Section 6, ‘Particular Environmental Requirements’ of the CR-E are mandatory—

(a)6.2 Environmental Design Management Plan;

(b)6.3 Traffic Management Plan;

(c)6.4 Noise & Vibration Management Plan;

(d)6.6 Dust;

(e)6.7 Air Pollution; and

(f)6.15 Lighting.

(5) The dust, air pollution and lighting mitigation measures required by the CR-E must be incorporated into a Nuisance Management Plan. The Nuisance Management Plan and other plans required under section 6 of the CR-E must be submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(6) No stage of the authorised development is to be commenced until such of the plans or programmes required under sections 5.10, 5.13, 5.17, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 of the CR-E and the Nuisance Management Plan, as relate to that stage of the development have been approved by the relevant planning authority and those plans or programmes must be implemented as approved.